Транскраніальна магнітна стимуляція – доказове рішення, що повертає до життя

Швидке, безпечне та безболісне лікування ПТСР, депресії, БАР, ОКР, ГТР, РАС, РДУГ, шизофренії, залежностей, епілепсії, інсульту, розсіяного склерозу, хвороби Паркінсона, хвороби Альцгеймера, синдрому Туретта, дисфагії, афазії, блефароспазму, булімії, мігрені, больового синдрому, есенціального тремору, фіброміалгії, полінейропатії, синдрому неспокійних ніг, тиніту...


9.6 мільйонам українців необхідна допомога

Пацієнти для вашого лікувального закладу. Врятовані стосунки, кар’єри, життя.

Чому ТМС?

60% пацієнтів

із ПТСР мають значне покращення після ТМС-терапії

70% резистентних

депресій відступають після 4-6 тижнів лікування апаратом ТМС 


4/10 пацієнтів

із депресією досягають повної ремісії після курсу ТМС

2-4 тижні

регулярної ТМС достатньо для отримання клінічного ефекту

20 хвилин

An integrated approach linking acquisition strategy, due diligence and merger integration

20 сеансів

We help companies confidently address technology-related decisions and ensure their IT organizations

7 гривень

We work across fund types, including debt, infrastructure, real estate and hedge funds

180 людей

Identifying opportunities and developing business cases to make sustainability a source of on-going value

Соціальний доказ – медзаклади

We are proud of working with each of our partners as they gave us enough support to become one of the leading companies. Here’s a short list of those who have already seen the quality of our services in practice:



Medical Family


До старту готові!

Ми пройдемо разом з вами через всі тернії запуску нової послуги – до нових клінічних висот


Our company can offer you a wide range of business consulting services.


Our team will successfully plan the deployment of your appliance.


Building brand awareness for micro and small businesses.

Подивіться, не пошкодуєте


  • How can I make the order?

    Click Order button next to the service you want to purchase and leave your contacts in a follow-up form. We will get in touch with you shortly to clarify all the details.

  • What if I don’t know what plan I need?

    Click Order button next to the service you want to purchase and leave your contacts in a follow-up form. We will get in touch with you shortly to clarify all the details.

  • What payment options do you provide for clients?

    Click Order button next to the service you want to purchase and leave your contacts in a follow-up form. We will get in touch with you shortly to clarify all the details.

  • Do you have a money back guarantee?

    Click Order button next to the service you want to purchase and leave your contacts in a follow-up form. We will get in touch with you shortly to clarify all the details.

  • How can I change my plan?

    Click Order button next to the service you want to purchase and leave your contacts in a follow-up form. We will get in touch with you shortly to clarify all the details.

  • Can I get video consultation with your specialist?

    Click Order button next to the service you want to purchase and leave your contacts in a follow-up form. We will get in touch with you shortly to clarify all the details.

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Лишіть контакти і я 

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Ваші партнери

  • КІМ Медикал

    Та Володимир Моторний. 

  • KIM Academy

    Health of our team members is a top priority for us. Therefore, we work with the best clinics only, like Medical Family. We entrust our health to them and we entrust our business as well.

  • Remed

    The company that has always put reliability first. We started to work with Ford in 2002, and now this is one of the partners who’ve been with us for more than 15 years! We believe that this partnership is one of the achievements we can be proud of.

  • Elmiko

    Coffee and cakes won’t sell themselves. Whenever we are hungry or just need to restore energy, Coffee Break Now saves us. Also, they cater all our events, from workshops and seminars to everyday meals for our team members.

Обладнання для ТМС

Why make multiple purchases if you can have everything at once? Don’t waste your chance to save on delivery! Choose any of the related products and add to the cart to get the best buying experience.


Wireless Speaker

Buy this powerful take-anywhere speaker and enjoy the pure sound of your favorite music.


Wireless Headphones

Listen to music on the go with the wireless in-ear headphones. Comfortable to wear, easy to use.


Music System

Turn your home into a dance studio or movie theater with this splendid audio system. 


Universal floor stands

Experience the purest stereo sound and enjoy your music in any room with portable floor stands.

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